lundi 5 septembre 2011

Revolution !!! ???

The questions that we can ask now:
- Why we forget who created the revolution?
- Why we forget the birthplace of the revolution, Tunisia?
- Why this part of the country has been a revolutionary part one day but now is a city of the forgotten and ignored?

Then we can think a little about the region that have given so much from the settlement and even after: we were still revolutionary but the revolutionaries that we forget and ignore forever.
Speaking of a revolutionary Tunisia does not  mean ignoring the part which were so active in the real revolution of freedom and honor. A revolution of a people who showed solidarity, unity and who failed to properly accommodate any misunderstanding to earn freedom, not a revolution as political parties try to use for will and interests such as the fact of adapting the blood of the martyrs to make personal benefits and political profits.  No political party is entitled to invest politically in the blood of martyrs. The true role of political parties is the sophistication of cities especially where the revolution was born and finding solutions and achieving justice and development. But what we see now is that political parties do not seek the interests of cities and discuss the issues but are creating a negative competition as if these cities were a playground that all parties seek to colonize.

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